Thursday 23 January 2014

Impressing the teacher

Last week, we received the results of our exams. In English, I had scored an overall grade of A2 (FYI, in India, A1 is equivalent to A and A2 to B). Even though I had scored an A1 in the content test section, I had been given a B1 in class response and thus, my grade became A2.
After returning back home, I began to think deeply: why had the teacher given me a B1 in class response? Finally, I found my answer.
But, I wondered, why not make a blog post out of it? After all, I thought, there would have been others who would have suffered my fate. There would be many others who despite securing good marks would have got a B or C. So, as the title suggests, that is the topic of this post.

·      ·         1. Respond in class: Responding in class is the most important tip I can give you. Whenever the teacher asks a question, immediately, immediately raise your hand. Even if you don’t know the answer or aren’t sure about it, still keep raising your hand.
    After reading the above line, you might think “Is Zab crazy?” But wait. There’s logic behind this. If your answer turns out to be wrong, don’t worry. For, a teacher always wants active students who respond, not students who are the good-for-nothing type. Responding and becoming an active student in the eyes of is better than sitting dumbly, right? 
·         2. The first impression is the last impression: This tip is a tip which applies in every field of your life. From the beginning of the session, respond as much as you can in all the subject periods. After a week or so, you’ll start to create an impression in the teacher’s mind as a good student.

·       ·         3. Never give the teacher a chance to find out the flaws in you: This tip is an important tip. As much as you can, never give the teacher any chance to scold you for incomplete homework or so and so. Be punctual, attentive and whatever it takes to save you from scolding. Also, it will also create your reputation in the class as a good student.
     Related links:                                        

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